Gas Laws Notes
O2 Lab
Thermo Notes
Thermo II
Ten Compounds
Edible chem II

Honors Chemistry 2


This is an atomic force image of one of the most important substances on earth. As the image shows, it forms hexagonal, or six-sided crystals at temperatures below 0C. It has a density when liquid of 1.0 g/cm3. It has a gram formula weight (molecular mass) of 18.02 grams. It is covalently bonded. The first correct e-mail to Mr. K identifying this substance earns 50 extra credit points

This is my best idea of the schedule. It will be adjusted as progress and materials determine. Please check the Schedule whiteboard in the classroom daily.  Follow the underlined links for more information on topics that are giving you trouble.

Week Topic Activity/Lab

Unit 7 Gas Laws 

Introduce gas laws

Boyle's Law 

Charles' Law

Charles Law lab: complete Lab write-up.

Test 7.x Boyles and Charles' Law


Combined gas Law

Ideal Gas Law

 Unit 8 : Combo Gas Law with water vapor corrections

Vapor pressure corrections.

Mass-volume stoichiometry with vapor pressure corrections

O2 Lab with water vapor correction.

Test 7.y Ideal and Combo Gas Laws.


Finish Gas Laws

Unit 9: Atomic structure.

Modern concept of the atom

Atom Review

Electron filling order I

Electron filling order II

Test 8.x Mass volume stoichiometry with vapor pressure correction.


Electronegativity chart

Bond types.

Covalent vs Ionic Quiz Game

Polarity in bonds 

Test 9.x Electron configurations and bonding
14 Unit 10: Lewis dot diagrams and molecular geometry

Lewis dot diagrams: elements, compounds, polyatomic ions

15 VSEPR theory and molecular geometry

Molecular geometry video

Polar molecules, ions.

Test 10.x Bonding, atom, Lewis dot diagrams
16 Unit 11: Thermochemistry

Thermochemistry: Water (This example uses joules. 1 calorie is 4.184 J Great conceptual heating curve)

Exothermic and Endothermic Rxns


Heat of fusion.

17 Finish Thermochemistry Test 17.1 Thermochem.

Lab Final:

Heat of fusion of water (very similar to our lab).


Review for mid-Term (Review Old Tests) Take Practice -->

In class Mid Term Review Key (self-check)

Review & Practice mid-Term Final

Chemistry mid-Term. :)


Remember this is an ideal syllabus. Our progress may be quite a bit slower. This is still the order subjects will be taken in. 

Chemists are, on the whole, like physicists, only 'less so'. They don't make quite the same wonderful mistakes, and much what they do is an art, related to cooking, instead of a true science. They have their moments, and their sources of legitimate pride. They don't split atoms, as the physicists do. They join them together, and a very praiseworthy activity that is.   

 Anthony Standen, Science is a sacred cow (1958).

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