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The Trinity Blast. Opening of the Nuclear Age. White Sands NM. AP Bulletin Board: August 11, 2015: I am excited to see each of you next week. We are starting on an all-period day. I will arrange for a short thought-provoking demo for you. Tuesday we will start right in on Safety, by Thursday expect an ions test. Probably won't get to your summer assignment until 8/24. If your summer assignment is complete, review the content looking at the big ideas. If you have put it off, now is the time to bear down and complete it! Summer Assignment Test is tentatively scheduled for 8/26. Email me if you have any questions. ckortemeier@carson.k12.nv.us, or over the summer cpkwtk@nvbell.net please put AP Chem in the tag line of e-mail Welcome to AP Chemistry. I am very pleased to be your teacher, and so proud you have chosen to begin your college career while still in High School. Instructor: Curtis P. Kortemeier Extended laboratory hours: 2:00 to 4:00 pm Friday afternoons. It may be necessary to finish lab procedures, mass dried filtrates etc. outside of normal class hours. This may be especially true on weeks that our class only meets for two blocks. Email: ckortemeier@carson.k12.nv.us Chemistry The Central Science: Theodore L Brown, H Eugene LeMay, Bruce Bursten, Catherine Murphy, and Patrick Woodward. Pearson Prentice Hall Upper Saddle River, 11th edition. T Supplemental Text: Purchase of a supplement text such as: Princeton Review, Cliff Notes, Fast Track to a 5, or other reputable review guide is strongly recommended. AP* Chemistry: Edward Waterman. Pearson Education. Is the product that is keyed to our new textbook. It may be possible to order this book through Barnes and Noble, or Amazon.com or other bookseller. Students not motivated enough to purchase a review/study guide rarely pass the AP Exam with a 3 or higher. A syllabus for each quarter can be found after viewing the Framework page.
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