Disco Notebook
Ice Answer
Matter matters

Discovery 1


Okay, time for some review. If you had to guess, what state of matter is shown in this atomic force image? Hint: It is crystalline. You can tell because the bright spots (atoms) are in very ordered, symmetrical positions. Ask yourself: will this material hold its own shape or take on the shape of its container?

Links to addition information are in blue with underlining. These additional notes can be really helpful : )



Nevada Science Standards


Online Resources

Nature of Science:

How is Science different than other ways of knowing?

N.12.A.1: Using Data

N.12.A.2: Record Keeping

N.12.A.3: Repeated Data

N.12.A.5: Use of models

LAB 1:

What causes the water to Rise? 

Copy of Lab in PDF

Night at the Circus;  


Types of matter

Physical properties of matter. 


Measuring and Lab Techniques.


Review of metric system


N.12.A.1: Using Data

N.12.A.2: Record Keeping

N.12.A.3: Repeated Data

N.12.B.1: Science & Society


LAB 2:

Density: Eureka I cried

Density Homework

Lab Safety  




States of matter

N.12.A.4: Safely conduct original lab investigation

Density Demo: Flag in a beaker.

Safety Quiz

Scientific Notation Homework

States of matter


N.12.A.1: Charts and graphs are used in science

P.12.A.1: Using Data

P.12.A.3: Properties of mixtures can be used to separate or identify them


Quiz: Matter, Density, Scientific Methods

LAB 3:Mix Mix Same Old Tricks


Practice Quiz: Nature of Science

Nature of Science Online Review


Compounds vs  Mixtures

Laws and Theories: What's the diff?

Conservation of mass: it's a law

P.12.A.3: Separation of mixtures

P.12.A.7: Conservation of mass, small ratios of atoms

LAB 4: You're in Hot Water Now


LAB 5: 

Sodium bicarbonate and acetic acid, catch it if you can!

Chapter 3 Phase Changes Homework

Atomic Theory of chemistry

History and Key discoveries and what they mean to us

Complete this Early developments worksheet for  25 points extra credit.

Bohr Atom

N.12.B.3: Science builds on past knowledge

P.12.A.2: Elements in the periodic table are arranged into groups and periods by repeating patterns and relationships. 

P.12.A.9: The number of electrons (relative to protons) determines whether a given atom is neutral or charged (an ion)

Flame Test Demos. 

Atomic Theory of Chemistry worksheet

Chapter 4 Homework 

7 Periodic Table and Periodic Table assignment.


P.12.A.2: Elements in the periodic table are arranged into groups and periods by repeating patterns and relationships.  Periodic Table Assignment. Elements crossword (print completed puzzle for 50 e.c. points)

Review: Periodicity and patterns in the Periodic Table of Elements


P.12.A.3: Separation of mixtures

P.12.A.7: Conservation of mass, small ratios of atoms

P.12.A.2: Elements in the periodic table are arranged into groups and periods by repeating patterns and relationships. 

P.12.A.9: The number of electrons (relative to protons) determines whether a given atom is neutral or charged (an ion)

Lecture Notes and Review Quiz Game.

Quiz: Compounds, mixtures, atomic theory, periodic table.


Forming compounds: Balancing charges

Chemical reactions: New partners

Bonding Types: Sharing or stealing?



P.12.A.4:  Atoms bond with one another by transferring or sharing electrons. E/S

P.12.A.5: Students know chemical reactions can take place at different rates, depending on a variety of factors (i.e. temperature, concentration, surface area, and agitation). E/S

P.12.A.6: Students know chemical reactions either release or absorb energy. E/S

Lab 6: All in the family: Periodic Trends.

Cornstarch demo/CuSO4 solution rates.

Lab 7: Endo-Exo what's the difference

Chapter 4 Homework: Covalent Bonding: Names and Formulas

Endothermic Exothermic reactions, concentration

In addition to the topics listed, expect a quiz approximately every 2 to 3 weeks. It will not take the whole class period, and there may be opportunities for in-class review depending on student attitudes. The best way have success is to review labs, homework and reading before assigned tests.  : )

For the second nine week's schedule click HERE

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