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To help maintain a fun, safe learning environment the following rules will be
enforced in Mr. Kortemeier's classroom.
- Students must bring pen, pencil, paper and Journal every day.
- Students must be in their assigned seat before the tardy bell stops
- Food and drink is only allowed in the classroom on special occasions (as
determined by the teacher).
- Laboratory safety rules apply any time you are in the classroom. If you
are unsafe, you will not be allowed to work in the laboratory until a
parent-teacher conference takes place.
- When the teacher is speaking (or has "given the floor" to
another student), no one else is speaking.
- Students will be honest in the completion of assignments and tests. Work
determined to be plagiarized will not be accepted and a grade of 0 will
result. Borrowing others lab results or data is considered to be plagiarism.
Sharing of written lab reports is considered to be plagiarism. Each student
is expected to do their own work. "Cutting and pasting" research from web sites is
plagiarism unless it is limited in size and credit is given properly with
citations and references.
- Students will respect the property of others, including the school's
Failure to comply with these rules will result in consequences. The
consequences become progressively serious as the behavior goes unchecked.
- Verbal Warnings: up to 3 with no other consequences.
- Student "time-out" in the hall, or in a corner of the room.
- Student conference: If a student does not respond to cooling off time, or
verbal comments. An informal "one on one" conference will be held.
- Parent phone call: following steps 1-3 if behavior does not improve
immediately expect a phone call home.
- Teacher detention: If disruptive behavior continues in spite of previous
efforts, the student will be held after class. Detention may be before
school, after school, at lunch, or during nutrition. Normally a detention
slip will be given to the student the day of the problem and detention will
be served the following day.
- Referral to Deans: If the above steps fail, or the infraction is very
serious, the student will be referred to his/her dean for disciplinary
Also refer to Mr. K's Welcome Letter given to each
student the first day of school.