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Welcome! If you are here, you must have some questions about what is expected
in Mr. K's classroom.
- Work safely. Always wear appropriate safety gear. Do not endanger yourself
or others in the classroom.
- Come to class. Come mentally and physically ready to learn. (Bring your
curiosity, your books, and pen, pencil and paper). Every day. Chemistry
students need a scientific calculator every day.
- Be courteous. Use your manners. Listen when the teacher or other students
are talking.
- Try your hardest. New things are seldom easy.
- If you do these things you'll have a great year and have fun learning a
lot of science.
How your grades are determined:
- Tests: Regular tests will count as 3 grades.
- Class work / homework: regular class work or homework assignments will
count as 1 grade.
- Lab experiences: Lab assignments requiring a lab report count as 2 grades.
- Extra Credit assignments will be available from time to time but are not a
substitute for doing required work.